Besides this fast depletion, the uneven distribution of their sources will also result in the threaten for the ecological balancing ( Upadhyay and Sharma, 2014). The practice of using conventional fuels for energy supplies only, might not be enough for facing this huge percentage rather a great impact on their depletion could be a serious issue. It is estimated that the population will be increased to about 8.5 billion by the year 2030 which may result in increasing the energy consumption up to 34% by 2035 ( Melorose et al., 2015 Suman, 2018). The expected addition of 1 billion more people to the current population by 2030 could surely lead to a new headache to cope with the soaring energy demand ( Suman, 2018). Additionally, research limitations and needs are identified for further exploration of the topic throughout the paper. The paper also discusses the reactor licensing, permitting procedures along the different benefits of N-R-HES. Moreover, six aspects of interconnections are identified: electrical, thermal, chemical, mechanical, hydrogen, and information. Various possible integration techniques along with their operation are discussed in detail. Keeping that into concern, this paper discusses the operation, status, prospects, and benefits of N-R-HES. Literature related to the proposed systems is extremely rare and the systems are not yet well-developed. To overcome these hurdles, these two carbon-free technologies can be integrated and form a nuclear-renewable hybrid energy system (N-R-HES). Besides, nuclear energy is also having some limitations including government policies and public apprehensions. Moreover, in terms of cleaner production, the most popular and practiced way of power generation is renewable energy sources which are intermittent in nature, require large land area, and also dependent on geographic positions and climatic conditions. Further, studies suggest that there would be a huge lack of fossil fuels in near future. One of the biggest concerns of the present century is energy security and climate change. 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.1Safe and REliable Nuclear Applications, IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France.

Md Arman Arefin 1 *, Mohammad Towhidul Islam 2, Fazlur Rashid 2, Khodadad Mostakim 2, Nahid Imtiaz Masuk 2 and Md.